Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Prologue

What I did was terrifying, clearly. But, being the very sane lady that I am, not too crazy. I would never do anything crazy. You see, cyberworld, I am a careful planner. Slow to decide, yet swift to execute. I don't waste steps in this small life of ours. It's not my way.

And while I'm on the subject of small, I always wanted to stay far, far away from that dreaded word.

Which is what led me here to this story of today. Today I realized I was crazy. I am absolutely, certifiably insane. But with insanity, sometimes comes happiness, and let's all agree here-happiness absolutely trumps insanity. Every time. Being happy is what it's about. So when I realized I was living small, I had to run, even if it meant I was all sorts of crazy.

So back to my terrifying decision. It wasn't until I was walking out of my office tonight, arms laden with the skeletal remains of my career, that I realized it was completely out-of the ordinary to walk away from a promising career. But that's exactly what I did.

And that is exactly what prompted this decision/blogposting/crazymakingbehaviorofmine. So let me tell you my story. It won't always be chronological. It won't always be succinct. Perhaps it won't resonate with you at all. To be honest, I've always found blogging to be a terrible, narcissistic hobby. But here I am, telling you my story and letting go of my elitist attitudes. A huge life change can do that to a person. And I've always believed that I am only as strong as my ability to change and resolve conflict. So this is a story of change. And of conflict resolution. Resolving inner conflict. And for my performance driven soul, resolving inner conflict is the most difficult of all. So here goes nothing. Literally, after what I just did, I've got nothing.

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